The Mozambique Institute for Health Education and Research, in order to respond to his challenge of becoming a reference institution in Mozambique in mobilizing human, material and financial resources to support the training of pre and post-graduate health professionals and to create an infrastructure for the development of scientific research in the biomedical sciences, is to empower its employees in various levels and areas of action as part of a retention program and stabilization of human capital (Capacity Building). To elucidate this, Vanessa Jamal, Program Officer and Head of Human Resources Section of MIHER said that in the last two months, three groups of employees received training abroad. Margarida Macie (accountant) and Olga Shindiapin (advisor for finance) participated on September, 24 to 27th in Durban – South Africa on a Grant Writing and Management Workshop organized by the University of KwaZulo Natal – UKZN. Sergio Noormahomed (Research Administrator) and Iva Chirrime (Research Assistant), participated 16-24 October in San Diego – California, at the Annual Meeting of the Society of Research Administrator-SRA and Fameti Taero, participated from 01 to 05 September in Kampala-Uganda, a modular course on Resource Mobilization and Proposal Writing.