Within the framework of the partnership between the University of Eduardo Mondlane (Mozambique), the Federal University of Baia (Brazil) and the University of California, San Diego (USA) for the implementation of the Project EABRTM, whose objective is the establishment in Mozambique, of a training and research facility in biomedical sciences, to serve as support for education in the levels of Masters and PhD, MIHER, the institution responsible for the management and coordination of project activities, invited Prof. Leonardo Moura Carvalho, researcher of the Oswaldo Cruz Research Laboratory of Malaria Institute in Brazil, to guide this training, addressed to researchers and post-graduate students.
Prof. Leonardo Moura Carvalho believes that scientific research will have the utility one would expect from it in the search for solutions to the problems that people, countries and humanity in general face, particularly in terms of health if these results are published and disseminated in appropriate channels in particular in Specialized Scientific Journals. Therefore, stressing the importance of the course, as it will equip participants with techniques and skills to write their documents in the best possible manner.
The course was held at the Faculty of Medicine of the University of Eduardo Mondlane (UEM), with 13 participants, including physicians and researchers from the Maputo Central Hospital, and teachers and researchers from the host institution and the Mozambique National Institute of Health.
In addition to guiding the training course, Prof. Leonardo Moura Carvalho discussed with Professors of the Faculty of Medicine and Researchers from Maputo Central Hospital pathogenic and therapeutic aspects of the research project in Cerebral Malaria, now in the pipeline, having considered requiring infrastructure and human capacity for the project to proceed. In this regard, it has put the possibility of incorporating in the Project, other approaches to malaria as prevention.