Eduardo Mondlane University (UEM) will introduce a Master Course in Biosciences
The University Council of Universidade Eduardo Mondlane as approved the curriculum of the master degree course in Biosciences created to deepen student’s knowledge about the potential and operation of organisms and their cellular and molecular components.
The course comes from the “Enhanced Advanced Biomedical Research Training for Mozambique”, a project also called D43 and implemented by MIHER – Mozambican Institute for Health Education and Research.
This project aims to improve the knowledge of Mozambican physicians and scientists linked to the Faculdade de Medicina of Universidade Eduardo Mondlane, Hospital Central de Maputo and Instituto Nacional de Saúde in order to ensure that those institutions become the foundations of the advanced research in Biomedicine and biosocial issues in Mozambique.
The D43 project is supported by Fogart International Center and has three following pillars: the curricular development for the Masters and PhD degrees in Bio and Neurosciences, focusing on Chronic Diseases, Parasitology, Microbiology, Clinical Nutrition and Immunology.
However, the emergence of the Master in Biosciences at Universidade Eduardo Mondlane is a way to build in Mozambique a solid infrastructure of research in health and bioscences. The Master aims to generate technical and scientifically knowledge, develop skills and promote attitudes and values to respond the challenges of the sector. Also, it is designed to train professionals who can develop teaching andinvestigating activities and to integrate a multidisciplinary teams in academically and professional contexts. It is an integral training, ensuring for professional and scientifically ethic skills and identifying and presenting ways of fundamental problems solution in the field of Biosciences.